Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Newport Beach Art Exhibition Entry: Part 2

My sculpture for the Newport Beach Art Exhibition has come a long way since I first showed it to you! I added a splotchy later of blue paint to give the color a little added depth. Next I evened it out with a very light coat of white.

Blue splotches

This is what the moon looks like now! Much better than when I first started it: 

Styrofoam Moon
What's even more exciting? My doll now has legs, arms, and hair! I hope that by next week she will have a dress and a face. Then I will need to figure out how to attach her to the moon and how I want to display the whole thing! I'm also batting around ideas for a second, similarly-themed sculpture for the exhibit, since every artist is allowed to contribute two pieces.

Don't worry, I will hide all the loose pieces that are showing right now!
I am excited to see how this project turns out and I hope you are too! Keep following your dreams and I'll see you next week!


  1. Looking great! I can hardly wait to see what you do with the doll. xo Jennifer

    1. Thanks! I am working on her face right now, seeing the doll start to take on a character is so much fun!

  2. Assunta,

    Your doll is so nicely proportioned! Are you going to dress her? Are you going to attach her to the moon somehow? What is her hair made out of?

    - Momma Cat

    1. Hi, sorry for the late reponse, I thought I had replied to this comment already! In answer to your questions, she is going to have on a little dress/nightgown and I am going to attach her to the moon. Her hair is made of black crochet thread (the same kind of thread I used for her body and dress) with the ply separated. I am thinking of making a tutorial on doll hair, but I don't know when that will be. Thanks for your questions!

  3. I like the depth you've given your moon. And your doll looks almost real! Something about her arms and legs - the way she's standing - that really suggest movement and spirit. Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this project.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad I have been able to achieve those suggestions of depth and movement. It has been a fun challenge working on this project and trying to make it seem realistic and dreamlike all at once!
